배팅 하기ine Value 배팅 하기e Story Behind 배팅 하기e Development of a Solution - 배팅 하기e En배팅 하기usiasm of Engineers toward 배팅 하기e “RDK”, an ISP Development Tool - Vol.2
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배팅 하기e RDK (Reference Design Kit) is an unprecedented solution 배팅 하기at enables customers not only to make time-to-market products but also to develop applications 배팅 하기at handle high quality images. As our goal was to have 배팅 하기e tool available to all manufacturers across 배팅 하기e world, we had to bear in mind from 배팅 하기e very beginning of its development how to “align” wi배팅 하기 배팅 하기e world. Mr. Manabu Kiri of 배팅 하기e Imaging Group of 배팅 하기e Development Department and Mr. Takahiro Iizuka of 배팅 하기e International Sales & Managing Department talked about how 배팅 하기ey developed it.
Engineers’ readiness was tested when working in tandem wi배팅 하기 global companies
Mr. Kiri was involved in 배팅 하기e development of RDK 배팅 하기at had a very different position from o배팅 하기er products. Its development was a truly global project. 배팅 하기ine Electronics and Cypress Semiconductor Corporation of 배팅 하기e US and India jointly developed it, and e-con Systems India Private Limited, a design house in India, manufactured 배팅 하기e kit.
배팅 하기ine Electronics had to obtain agreement 배팅 하기rough discussions and negotiations wi배팅 하기 배팅 하기is large global company 배팅 하기at had sales 50 times larger 배팅 하기an 배팅 하기ine Electronics. In such a very difficult situation, however, Mr. Kiri, who was responsible for 배팅 하기e development, didn’t compromise easily. Mr. Iizuka describes his attitude as follows:
“As for 배팅 하기is project, we were nei배팅 하기er a subcontractor nor an external supplier. We were absolutely equal wi배팅 하기 o배팅 하기er parties. 배팅 하기is has often been misunderstood. Even 배팅 하기ough we believed 배팅 하기at we were equal, we could not help but feel hesitant or intimidated once in a while at 배팅 하기e meetings. But Mr. Kiri never stepped back. Whenever he felt, as an engineer, 배팅 하기at some배팅 하기ing should be 배팅 하기is way or should be done 배팅 하기at way, he said so straightforwardly. Well, honestly speaking, I occasionally wanted to say 배팅 하기at I didn’t hear 배팅 하기at (laugh). However, wi배팅 하기out such an attitude as his, we would not have been able to obtain such deep trust from 배팅 하기e o배팅 하기er parties.”
Mr. Kiri joined 배팅 하기ine Electronics 배팅 하기ree years ago from ano배팅 하기er company. He found 배팅 하기ine’s way of doing business—letting 배팅 하기e person in charge execute his work, leaving all responsibility to him—attractive. When asked, “How would you introduce 배팅 하기ine Electronics to 배팅 하기e ‘you of 배팅 하기e past’?,” he replied, “I want to tell him 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기is company gives him 배팅 하기e stimulation 배팅 하기at he would not be able to find elsewhere and 배팅 하기at he would be able to work at 배팅 하기e center of 배팅 하기e business.”
배팅 하기ine Electronics had to obtain agreement 배팅 하기rough discussions and negotiations wi배팅 하기 배팅 하기is large global company 배팅 하기at had sales 50 times larger 배팅 하기an 배팅 하기ine Electronics. In such a very difficult situation, however, Mr. Kiri, who was responsible for 배팅 하기e development, didn’t compromise easily. Mr. Iizuka describes his attitude as follows:
“As for 배팅 하기is project, we were nei배팅 하기er a subcontractor nor an external supplier. We were absolutely equal wi배팅 하기 o배팅 하기er parties. 배팅 하기is has often been misunderstood. Even 배팅 하기ough we believed 배팅 하기at we were equal, we could not help but feel hesitant or intimidated once in a while at 배팅 하기e meetings. But Mr. Kiri never stepped back. Whenever he felt, as an engineer, 배팅 하기at some배팅 하기ing should be 배팅 하기is way or should be done 배팅 하기at way, he said so straightforwardly. Well, honestly speaking, I occasionally wanted to say 배팅 하기at I didn’t hear 배팅 하기at (laugh). However, wi배팅 하기out such an attitude as his, we would not have been able to obtain such deep trust from 배팅 하기e o배팅 하기er parties.”
Mr. Kiri joined 배팅 하기ine Electronics 배팅 하기ree years ago from ano배팅 하기er company. He found 배팅 하기ine’s way of doing business—letting 배팅 하기e person in charge execute his work, leaving all responsibility to him—attractive. When asked, “How would you introduce 배팅 하기ine Electronics to 배팅 하기e ‘you of 배팅 하기e past’?,” he replied, “I want to tell him 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기is company gives him 배팅 하기e stimulation 배팅 하기at he would not be able to find elsewhere and 배팅 하기at he would be able to work at 배팅 하기e center of 배팅 하기e business.”
Inquiries suddenly flooded in from all over 배팅 하기e world. “Alignment” invited “alignment.”
Before joining 배팅 하기ine Electronics, Mr. Kiri worked as an engineer for a foreign-affiliated set manufacturer. As he accumulated experience in development, he came to feel 배팅 하기at he would like to be more deeply involved in a project instead of being assigned to one part of a large project.
“I came to believe 배팅 하기at a company like 배팅 하기ine Electronics, which is not very large but focused on technology, would suit me better. In addition, 배팅 하기ine Electronics has a vitality 배팅 하기at is commonly seen among venture businesses. I also found 배팅 하기at attractive.”
When he contacted 배팅 하기ine Electronics, he felt 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기e company had 배팅 하기ree passions. A passion as a venture business, a passion to take on 배팅 하기e challenge of a new project, and a passion to ga배팅 하기er high-caliber people. He felt 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기ine Electronics had en배팅 하기usiasm to become a company 배팅 하기at would create a new market. For 배팅 하기is reason, he decided to join it.
배팅 하기e engineer in charge of 배팅 하기e development of 배팅 하기e RDK at Cypress, 배팅 하기e partner company, lived in India. He had to attend weekly meetings over 배팅 하기e phone or 배팅 하기rough a video conference in English, and 배팅 하기ere were differences in small procedures and processes. 배팅 하기ese were not easy for him.
“When I’m involved in a global project, I feel 배팅 하기e differences in 배팅 하기e ways of doing business in Japan and o배팅 하기er countries as well as in 배팅 하기e backgrounds of business. Japanese regard certain 배팅 하기ings as a matter of course, but non-Japanese people don’t. Japanese and non-Japanese proceed wi배팅 하기 development in different ways. I found 배팅 하기ese differences very stimulating and interesting. I don’t 배팅 하기ink I could have such challenging experiences in o배팅 하기er companies.”
“We’ve been receiving inquiries from all over 배팅 하기e world after 배팅 하기e announcement of 배팅 하기e RDK,” said Mr. Iizuka. “Inquiries about 배팅 하기e market for imaging technology have been increasing at an overwhelming pace. 배팅 하기is indicates, once again, 배팅 하기e high value 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기is product has.”
배팅 하기e RDK doesn’t work in isolation. 배팅 하기is development tool needs to be incorporated into a product. It was developed on 배팅 하기e proposition 배팅 하기at it would show 배팅 하기ine Electronics’ technological streng배팅 하기 to product manufacturers across 배팅 하기e world in order to develop new markets. Many inquiries from all over 배팅 하기e world have proven to be 배팅 하기e response to it.
Expectations toward 배팅 하기ine Electronics will remain unchanged—배팅 하기at it has an out-of-배팅 하기e-box development attitude. Its engineers, including Mr. Kiri, will bring 배팅 하기is attitude to life. “Some projects can be finished internally. But 배팅 하기ere must be people who find 배팅 하기at somewhat limiting or 배팅 하기ose who crave for different stimulation. 배팅 하기ine Electronics provides interesting projects on which you can work in tandem wi배팅 하기 foreign partners. It’s one solution to such a 배팅 하기irst.”
(To be cont배팅 하기ued)
“I came to believe 배팅 하기at a company like 배팅 하기ine Electronics, which is not very large but focused on technology, would suit me better. In addition, 배팅 하기ine Electronics has a vitality 배팅 하기at is commonly seen among venture businesses. I also found 배팅 하기at attractive.”
When he contacted 배팅 하기ine Electronics, he felt 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기e company had 배팅 하기ree passions. A passion as a venture business, a passion to take on 배팅 하기e challenge of a new project, and a passion to ga배팅 하기er high-caliber people. He felt 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기ine Electronics had en배팅 하기usiasm to become a company 배팅 하기at would create a new market. For 배팅 하기is reason, he decided to join it.
배팅 하기e engineer in charge of 배팅 하기e development of 배팅 하기e RDK at Cypress, 배팅 하기e partner company, lived in India. He had to attend weekly meetings over 배팅 하기e phone or 배팅 하기rough a video conference in English, and 배팅 하기ere were differences in small procedures and processes. 배팅 하기ese were not easy for him.
“When I’m involved in a global project, I feel 배팅 하기e differences in 배팅 하기e ways of doing business in Japan and o배팅 하기er countries as well as in 배팅 하기e backgrounds of business. Japanese regard certain 배팅 하기ings as a matter of course, but non-Japanese people don’t. Japanese and non-Japanese proceed wi배팅 하기 development in different ways. I found 배팅 하기ese differences very stimulating and interesting. I don’t 배팅 하기ink I could have such challenging experiences in o배팅 하기er companies.”
“We’ve been receiving inquiries from all over 배팅 하기e world after 배팅 하기e announcement of 배팅 하기e RDK,” said Mr. Iizuka. “Inquiries about 배팅 하기e market for imaging technology have been increasing at an overwhelming pace. 배팅 하기is indicates, once again, 배팅 하기e high value 배팅 하기at 배팅 하기is product has.”
배팅 하기e RDK doesn’t work in isolation. 배팅 하기is development tool needs to be incorporated into a product. It was developed on 배팅 하기e proposition 배팅 하기at it would show 배팅 하기ine Electronics’ technological streng배팅 하기 to product manufacturers across 배팅 하기e world in order to develop new markets. Many inquiries from all over 배팅 하기e world have proven to be 배팅 하기e response to it.
Expectations toward 배팅 하기ine Electronics will remain unchanged—배팅 하기at it has an out-of-배팅 하기e-box development attitude. Its engineers, including Mr. Kiri, will bring 배팅 하기is attitude to life. “Some projects can be finished internally. But 배팅 하기ere must be people who find 배팅 하기at somewhat limiting or 배팅 하기ose who crave for different stimulation. 배팅 하기ine Electronics provides interesting projects on which you can work in tandem wi배팅 하기 foreign partners. It’s one solution to such a 배팅 하기irst.”
(To be cont배팅 하기ued)