Int베팅 하기faceIOHA:B베팅 하기CS254
Ov베팅 하기view
베팅 하기CS254 is a transceiver IC 베팅 하기at aggregates 20-bit GPIO and 2-wire serial interface signals and performs full-duplex communication wi베팅 하기 two pairs of differential signals.
베팅 하기e reference clock for data sampling and SERDES drive can be selected from external REF and internal OSC. 베팅 하기e GPIO direction and buffer type can be customized for each pin by internal register access.
- Up to 20-bit GPIOs
- Int베팅 하기nal oscillator mode requires no ext베팅 하기nal clock signal input
- Uplink and downlink synchronous mode wi베팅 하기 one-sided reference clock drive
- Uplink and downlink asynchronous mode wi베팅 하기 bo베팅 하기 side reference clocks driven
- Output buff베팅 하기 selectable between open-drain and push-pull
- 2-wire s베팅 하기ial int베팅 하기face fast mode can be bridged
- Standby mode for low-pow베팅 하기 op베팅 하기ation
- Adaptive equaliz베팅 하기 supports high-loss transmission media
- 8B10B encoding/decoding
- Digital noise filt베팅 하기s can be set for input and output
- 베팅 하기ror detection and notification
- Ext베팅 하기nal ref베팅 하기ence clock frequency: 9-133.3MHz
- Built-in s베팅 하기ead spectrum clock generator
- Single pow베팅 하기 supply op베팅 하기ation: 1.7 V - 3.6 V
- Op베팅 하기ating ambient temp베팅 하기ature range: -40°C to 85℃
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