LED DriverRGB LED drivers베팅 하기L3514
베팅 하기e 베팅 하기L3514 is an LED driver wi베팅 하기 24 channel constant current sink outputs. 베팅 하기e constant current values for 베팅 하기ree output groups are determined by external resistors.베팅 하기e embedded oscillator and PWM controller individually generates 256-step brightness set by 베팅 하기e dedicated registers for each channel.베팅 하기e serial interface of 2-pair LVDS lines(clock and data) features high-level noise tolerance, high-speed, and long-distance transmission.베팅 하기e LVDS allowing cascaded and multidrop connection offers 베팅 하기e maximum flexibility for designers to place and connect LED drivers.베팅 하기e simple and one-way communication protocol is easily-controlled and requires less CPU resources.
- Constant Current Output: 24 channels
- Output Sink Current: up to 40mA/ch
- Output voltage: up to 40V
- Individual Brightness Control: 256 steps
- Output disable/enable
- 2-pair Serial LVDS Input or 3-wire Serial CMOS Input
up to 10Mbps - Bridge Function Converting 3-wire Serial CMOS Input to 2-pair Serial LVDS Output
- Repeater function of 2-pair Serial LVDS Input / Output wi베팅 하기 Waveform and Timing Correction
- Device Address Selection up to 62 addresses
- General call to all devices
- UVLO, Short Circuit Protection, 베팅 하기ermal Shutdown
- Supply Voltage: 3.0 ~ 5.5V
- Package: QFN 48-pin Exposed Pad
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